2018/9/22 -Description. A small avrdude compatible AVR-ISP programmer based on the FTDI FT234X which only needs a standard micro USB cable. Details.

With USB interfaces on microcontroller devices a USB connection always adds significant cost to the design. An ATMega328P costs $3.12 whereas the FT232RL, ...

2013/1/21 -Hello, Recently I have been writing C programs that are able to communicate to my arduino Uno through the USB serial.


  1. https://ftdichip.com
  2. products
  3. ft234xd
  1. https://ftdichip.com
  2. products
  3. ft234xd

FT234XD – Full Speed USB to Basic UART. This USB2.0 Full Speed IC offers a basic UART to USB bridge in a compact IC package; 3x3mm footprint in a 12 pin, ...

・FTDI社のFT234Xを使用。 ・過電流保護内蔵。 ・USBマイクロBコネクタ付き。 ・USBバスパワ動作です。 ・入力5Vトレラントです。


Arduino compatible machine adapted to ICB-86 and ICB-87 series manufactured by Sunhayato Co.

The high-performance Microchip 8-bit AVR® RISC-based microcontroller combines 32 KB ISP Flash memory with read-while-write capabilities, 1 KB EEPROM, ...


  1. http://icb8xduino.jpn.org
  2. img
  1. http://icb8xduino.jpn.org
  2. img

AE-FT234X. Serial. 1. VIN. TA78M05F. J1. 1. VI. 3. 2. +C2. BARREL JACK. 47u. J2. 1. 2. 3 V. 2. DC ... ATMEGA328-PU. 23-28. = VDD. 0.1u. -10k -. SW1. RESET. GNDD.

2015/8/13 -電子工作をやっているとマイコンが欠かせません。生のAtmegaにブートローダーやスケッチを書き込むためのブートローダ/スケッチライタを作りました。