

Summary. This module enables smart, context-sensitive configuration of output content filters. For example, apache can be configured to process different ...

The mod_deflate module provides the DEFLATE output filter that allows output from your server to be compressed before being sent to the client over the network.

Enabling Compression-DeflateAlterETag

2011/3/8 -AddOutputFilterByType is deprecated in Apache. The documentation says that the same functionality is available using mod_filter. I currently use

2021/6/5 -You can speed up downloads or web page access time with Apache mod_deflate module. The mod_deflate module provides the DEFLATE output filter ...

2012/8/10 -If you upgraded from Apache 2.2 to 2.4, you will notice error in your apache log: Invalid command 'AddOutputFilterByType', perhaps ...

2019/1/24 -The webserver sends mime-type text/html , while you filter by mime-type text/css . This does obviously not work. Either filter by text/html ...

The mod_deflate module provides the DEFLATE output filter that allows output from your server to be compressed before being sent to the client over the network.

2018/11/5 -My server is centos 7.4,with Apache 2.4.6,PHP 5.4,Mysql 5.5. I plan to use mod_deflate to compress websites file as below:

2012/12/21 -This is what I see when I bring up my worksite3 dev site. I get server error on my browser, and see that line in the log. ... # @copyright ...

2017/5/11 -Open up the file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/deflate.conf. The default configuration is already set up to compress HTML, CSS, xml, rss, and ...