
An accession number applies to the complete record and is usually a combination of a letter(s) and numbers, such as a single letter followed by five digits ( ...

2022/12/8 -GenBank ® is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences (Nucleic Acids Research, 2013 ...

Sample GenBank Record-Accession Number prefixes-How to submit data-FAQ

An accession number, in bioinformatics, is a unique identifier given to a DNA or protein sequence record to allow for tracking of different versions of that ...

At GeneCopoeia, we provide customers with DNA-based tools that are used for many different types of gene function studies.

2021/12/20 -GenBank Accession Number Reference Sheet. The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) consists of the DNA Data Bank.

2022/2/28 -NCBI Gene · NG accession number links to the GenBank record, FASTA sequence, and Sequence viewer in the Nucleotide database. · NM accession number ...

2024/3/21 -Accession [number]: a unique identifier assigned to records in the NCBI databases. Clicking on a protein name displays the pairwise sequence ...

Comments2 · EMBL EBI FoxP2 gene · Analyzing Gene Sequence Results with BLAST · NCBI gene database tutorial | How to find introns and exons of a ...


2022/10/13 -Upon integration into UniProtKB, each entry is assigned a unique accession number, which is called 'Primary (citable) accession number'.

The accession number serves as confirmation that the sequence has been submitted and provides a means for readers of articles in which the sequence is cited to ...

A.Deposit はギョーカイ用語(?)で「登録する」です。 (In は in Genbank で『ひとかたまり』です) 訳は以下のようになります(受動態は能動的に訳しています)。 DNAst...
