USBの物理層からディスクリプタUSBデバイスの初期化まで ... を,05hならエンドポイント・ディスクリプタ ... よってUSBター. ゲットでは,エンドポイント0の受信割り込み ...

USBは、制御(Control)転送、割り込み(Interrupt)転送、等時(Isochronous)転. 送、大量(Bulk)転送を支援します。等時(Isochronous)転送は遅れを保証するために、定義された ...

2020/5/15 -From my point of view the interrupt should definitively be triggered at startup since Windows requests the device descriptor from the device ( ...

2024/1/16 -Interrupt transfers are mostly used for getting interrupt data from the device. This topic describes how a UWP app can get continuous interrupt ...

The Endpoint Descriptor (USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR) specifies the transfer type, direction, polling interval, and maximum packet size for each endpoint.

2017/5/21 -One of the device's descriptors, the Interrupt Descriptor, gives an interval value. Your driver is to request a packet, an interrupt packet, ...

I can see from Microsoft Message Analyzer that the computer tries to send over a GET_DESCRIPTOR into endpoint 0, but It never registers on the board. I never ...

USB devices can only have one device descriptor. The device descriptor includes information such as what USB revision the device complies to, the Product ...

2021/6/25 -It turns out that I cannot read the spec properly. The bInterval setting in the descriptor is a power of 2 of the actual time interval.

USB interrupt transfer is a transfer type where in the USB host interrupts the USB device at regular interval and performs an USB transfer.