2021/7/11 -Copying and pasting figure from viewer to powerpoint should be similar to doing it with a browser and probably do not even need documentation.

2023/8/28 -・EXCELなどの表をクリップボードにコピーした。 ・クリップボードをdata.frameとして読み込むには、read.tableで'clipboard'を指定すれば良い。 > test1 ...

2018/4/10 -I want to copy paste data to clipboard from R, and then to powerpoint. As there is a lot to copy paste, I want to eliminate as many steps as ...

2016/3/26 -The Clipboard task pane in PowerPoint 2016 lets you gather up to 24 items of text or graphics from any Office program and then selectively ...

2022/2/7 -The 'clipr' package fascinates those who are unfascinated by R's poor capacity to transfer outputs to text editors/clipboard. library(clipr).

2017/12/22 -何十枚と次元を変えて出力されたグラフをPower PointのスライドやWordに貼り付けていくのはかなり苦行です。Webシステム開発の画面テストも自動化が可能な ...

Ctrl+R. Create a bulleted list using different styles. Do one of the following: To create a list that uses filled round bullets, press the Asterisk sign ...

2019/5/30 -For pasting into PPT the following works: copy as a metafile (not bitmap) and paste. If you don't like the appearance (thin fonts) then re-copy ...

Convenience wrapper that uses the rmarkdown package to render small snippets of code to target formats that include both code and output.

Reprex do's and don'ts-Function reference-Reprex venue RTF-Articles

2024/1/11 -The user's clipboard is the default source of input code and the default target for rendered output. 'reprex' also extracts clean, runnable R.