This list showcases several ways that you can use your Raspberry Pi as a video player. The list includes using VLC, OXMPlayer, or Kodi.

2021/2/9 -RaspberryPiで卒展にぴったりなメディアプレイヤーを作った話 · その問題、Raspberry Piで解決しよう · 必要なもの · OSMCのインストール · USB内の動画の ...

2019/12/30 -Raspberry Pi で動画を再生するなら OMXPlayer というプレイヤーが優秀で,ハードウェアアクセラレータを十二分に活用してくれているようで,Raspberry Pi ...


The Raspberry Pi computer can be configured as a media player to stream HD content over HDMI to a projector or monitor.


2021/9/3 -LibreELECでも写真画像は連続再生などで観ることが可能ですし、音楽ファイルも専用のプレイヤーで再生できますから、マルチメディアの再生マシンと化し ...

利用するRaspberry Pi のモデル-LibreELECのオススメ設定

In this guide, I'll cover how to build a dedicated video player built around a Raspberry Pi Zero – a small, low cost computer. The player uses arcade-style ...

Make your Raspberry Pi loop a video file endlessly and seamlessly, without showing any logo or breaks. A simple, cheap and reliable media player/digital signage ...

Hi all, I wonder what is the way to play a video on raspberry pi OS lite (bullseye). Installing via apt, VLC, ffmpeg and mpv all pull at least 400MB of ...

Raspberry Pi Video Player for Children: A Pi-based portable video player, featuring a touch screen, Arcade buttons and a kid friendly, Python-based GUI.

2020/6/6 -Download and run the Raspberry Pi Imager, and select the Raspberry Pi OS (other) option from the menu, then the Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) ...