

2012/11/18 -I needed to copy a composite url into the Windows clipboard, while read.table() outputted a character vector with quotation marks around my URL.

This article describes how to read and write data from the clipboards using the R package clipr, which works well on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like systems.

These notes explain how to move data between R and Excel and other Windows applications via the clipboard.

read.clipboard: shortcut for reading from the clipboard. Description: input from the keyboard is easy but a bit obscure, particularly for Mac users.

2015/5/20 -Writing R objects to the clipboard is very useful but a bit tricky on a Mac. Try the following code to write the my.data dataframe to the clipboard and then ...

2015/10/23 -This is an R Markdown document explaining about different way to impoting data in to R. There are several ways by which we can import different data formats ...

2018/11/13 -Copying and pasting data to and from the Window's clipboard to R is quick and easy. All we need to do is use the standard read.table and write.table syntax.

2019/2/22 -Importing data from the clipboard Copy the data from Google Sheets or Excel and import the data from the clipboard using the function > x1 ...

Read text from clipboard and pass to read_csv(). Parses clipboard contents similar to how CSV files are parsed using read_csv().


This article describes how to simply load data from Excel table to R script environment. We´re going to use these two commands: data <- readClipboard() data <- ...