

2012/11/18 -I needed to copy a composite url into the Windows clipboard, while read.table() outputted a character vector with quotation marks around my URL.

This article describes how to read and write data from the clipboards using the R package clipr, which works well on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like systems.

Shortcuts for reading from the clipboard or a file. Description. Input from a variety of sources may be read. Matrices or data.frames may be read from files ...

These notes explain how to move data between R and Excel and other Windows applications via the clipboard.

Returns values from the clipboard. Source: R/source.R. clipboard.Rd. This is useful in the read_delim() functions to read from the clipboard.

2021/12/19 -Describes how to read and write data from the clipboards using the R package clipr, which works well on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like systems.

2023/3/28 -3 ways to import data into r using copy and paste methods like Clipr Package, read.delim() Function and Datapasta Package.

2019/5/1 -Clipboard is stored almost entirely on chromeos. I don't think it can be read from, or even written to.

read.clipboard: shortcut for reading from the clipboard. Description: input from the keyboard is easy but a bit obscure, particularly for Mac users.

2019/9/27 -I was looking for a way to to do the same exact thing but I get an error. I copied the what @akellygithub suggested and changed df with iris to test it.