
Visual Studio Code (refer to as VS Code) is a cross-platform light weight development environment. It has great support for JavaScript editing and debugging. We ...

2022/12/15 -Cocos2d-x project setup. OS: This guide is written for Windows 10, using Visual Studio 2015. Cocos works on most modern OSs and environments.

Taking Visual Studio Code with our #cocos2d - x integration to create our first project folder with all its beginner file structure.

YouTube-Game Dev Arena

2020/8/19 -I just downloaded Visual Studio 2019 and the Game Development with C++ workload, which says it includes tools to work with Cocos.

2019/4/8 -If any VS users haven't switched to VS2019 yet, then just so you know there is a really good reason why you probably should.

Visual Studio Code (hereinafter referred to as VS Code) is a lightweight cross-platform IDE created by Microsoft. It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.

Making my way into #cocos2d as the current option for developing games. Returning back to the Cocos Engine since my first videos ever on the ...

YouTube-Game Dev Arena

2019/10/26 -A Visual Studio 2017 extension that is analyzing source code to colorize and decorate appropriate syntax nodes to different colors and different ...

Cocos - C++ Team Blog

  1. https://devblogs.microsoft.com
  2. cppblog
  3. tag
  4. cocos
  1. https://devblogs.microsoft.com
  2. cppblog
  3. tag
  4. cocos

Visual Studio 2017 introduces a new "Game development with C++" workload, making it easy to get tools you need for building high-quality games with C++.

2023/6/5 -Extension for Visual Studio Code - Cocos effect file syntax support.