
64-Bit Integer Types ... Because there is no cross-platform way to specify 64-bit integer types SQLite includes typedefs for 64-bit signed and unsigned integers.

2022/4/27 -SQLite uses a more general dynamic type system. In SQLite, the datatype of a value is associated with the value itself, not with its container.

Date And Time Functions-STRICT Tables-Flexible typing is a feature

2013/7/25 -1 Answer 1 ... In SQLite, all integer values are 64-bit values. It is common to use sqlite3_column_int only because most applications already know ...

2022/4/22 -Storing unsigned longs in SQLite is possible, and can be fast.

2021/10/27 -SQLite only has four primitive data types ... Sqlite, but values are ultimately coerced between ... Int64, INTEGER. SByte, INTEGER. Single, REAL.

2010/5/20 -I need to populate a table with some large integer values. the fields in the dsqlite database are defined as UNSIGNED BIG INT

2011/2/6 -We recently tackled an issue that seemed rather impossible – an unsigned 64-bit value was greater than the maximum value that a 64-bit value ...

2020/2/21 -However the data type needs to be INTEGER not BigInt. SqlLite Autoincrement. There is a workaround by setting the DBType = "INTEGER" however ...

2024/1/14 -Int64 values written to Sqlite Integer fields seem to be problematic (truncated to 32-bits). Manually changing all field properties to .

2022/1/11 -always returns an Int64 value, despite Cost=numeric and Quantity=integer. Even if you cast the SUM as a numeric type, you still get back an ...

A.ウインドウズXPからはUACが導入されているので OSに悪影響を与える処理は実行できないようにブロックがかけられる だからCドライブにアクセスできない これはVS2005から導入された機能 最...


A.Pro*Cでプリコンパイルをしてください。 そうすると通常のgccなどのコンパイラでコンパイル可能なソースファイルができます。 次はgccやccなどのコンパイラで実行ファイルにして下さい。
