

2024/2/22 -Contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message.

2010/3/15 -Use WM_COPYDATA to send data between processes ... I wish to send text between processes. I have found lots of examples of this but none that I ...

Introduction to WM_COPYDATA. The WM_COPYDATA message is used to send large blocks of data across process boundaries. ... COPYDATASTRUCT, *PCOPYDATASTRUCT;.

The Question is: How would I define the below declared cds structure in Delphi? WM_COPYDATA messages are sent using SendMessage() and a COPYDATASTRUCT structure ...

2019/6/17 -Starting with version, StrokesPlus.net accepts receiving a WM_COPYDATA message to execute scripts via another program.

2009/10/10 -When the receiving window procedure processes this message, the lParam parameter points to a COPYDATASTRUCT that exists in the address space of ...

2017/10/28 -Re: wm_copydata ... Both cases seem to work. Only if the var is NULL terminated .If a non ahk code application uses CopyDataStruct i guess that ...

2008/11/6 -The WM_COPYDATA message allows you to send a stream of bytes to the recipient. The bytes can be anything. It's up to the sender and the ...

2004/10/2 -The COPYDATASTRUCT structure contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message. typedef struct { DWORD dwData ...

2005/11/12 -Hi everybody ::- D. Does anybody know how to get the size of a structure in Visual Basic? I need this to pass a structure to VC++ via ...

A.送信側のアプリで 自分自身に送った場合は正常に受け取れるのでしょうか? 受け側のロジック(コード)を公開して、データを送った場合に 送信側と、受信側でどのような差異があるのかを明示しましょう 当方

A.[SendMessage()の使い方] SendMessage()関数の使い方は、以下を参照して下さい。 ただし、SendMessage()関数自体は、使いこなされている様子ですので、下記を参照...

A.CFormView のウィンドウ ( ダイアログ ) はトップレベルウィンドウの子ウィンドウとなっているので、 hWnd = FindWindow(null, sWindowText); のウィ...