

2022/3/29 -In this article. Used with the TransferSpreadsheet method to specify the type of spreadsheet to import from, export to, or link to.

The Access option AcSpreadSheetType is used by TransferSpreadsheet to determine the s/sheet format.

2015/5/21 -It requires a value for SpreadsheetType (drawn from the AcSpreadSheetType enumeration). What is the Access VBA tool to determine ...

2023/11/16 -AcSpreadSheetType Enumeration (Access). Used with the TransferSpreadsheet method to specify the type of spreadsheet to import from, export to, ...

2017/6/30 -I have an Access 2010 Database that was created a few years ago that runs automated and executes a query exports that query to excel and ...

2020/2/2 -Hi, I want to import an Excel SS containing 2 columns: RacerunnerNumber and Racetime. I'm allowing the user to select Excel files from 2003 ...

2024/3/18 -AcSpreadSheetTypeを指定します。 インポート元、エクスポート先、またはリンク先のワークシートの種類を指定します。 TableName, 省略可能です ...

2007/11/16 -hi. i am trying to import all the csv files from a folder into a single access databases. i tryed the following: oapp.

2023/11/16 -AcSpreadSheetType, The type of spreadsheet to import from, export to, or link to. TableName, Optional, Variant, A string expression that is the ...

2013/12/13 -The problem is it doesn't work. I cannot figure out if I am using the wrong code for the acSpreadsheetType (10 for .xlsx files is what I was ...