
2014/7/1 -I find a descriptor as below. As I know, when bDescriptorType is 0x04, it means interface descriptor. If bDescriptorType is 0x24, what does it ...

A bitmask indicating the configuration's characteristics. MaxPower. The maximum power consumption of the USB device expressed in 2mA units.

bDescriptorType, 1, Constant. Interface Descriptor (0x04). 2, bInterfaceNumber, 1, Number. Number of Interface. 3, bAlternateSetting, 1, Number. Value used to ...

descriptors.c - GitHub

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  3. descriptors
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  2. USBD_Audio_NAU8822
  3. descriptors

... bDescriptorType */ 0x10, 0x01, /* bcdUSB */ 0x00, /* bDeviceClass */ 0x00, /* bDeviceSubClass */ 0x00, /* bDeviceProtocol */ EP0_MAX_PKT_SIZE ...

Data Fields · Detailed Description · Field Documentation · bDescriptorType · bInterfaceClass · endpoint · extra · extra_length ...

... bDescriptorType 2 wTotalLength 18 bNumInterfaces 1 bConfigurationValue 1 iConfiguration 0 bmAttributes 0xc0 Self Powered MaxPower 100mA Interface Descriptor ...

2021/4/1 -Specifies the length, in bytes, of this descriptor. bDescriptorType. Specifies the descriptor type. Must be set to USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE.

byte bDescriptorType; // INTERFACE descriptor type (USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE). byte bInterfaceNumber; // Number of this interface (0 based). byte ...

All multiple-byte fields are represented in host-endian format. Field Documentation. ◇ bDescriptorType. uint8_t libusb_device_descriptor::bDescriptorType ...

... bDescriptorType = 36 # CS_INTERFACE bDescriptorSubtype = 0x00 # Header Functional Descriptor bcdCDC = self.cs_config[1] d = bytearray([ bDescriptorType ...