
Open a new file descriptor that can be used to read the asset data. AAsset_read(AAsset *asset, void *buf, size_t count). int. Attempt to read 'count ...

2018/3/16 -How to use Asset Manager API in NDK to read raw data? ... After that I create pointers and open it. const char* mPath = "shaders/vertex.

Hello, --- Problem --- I am trying to access a text file under my $projectPath/assets directory through the native interface without touching Java code. I

2021/7/14 -Pointer to the Asset Manager instance for the application. The application uses this to access binary assets bundled inside its own .apk file.

Contains the opened file descriptor returned by Asset::open_file_descriptor() , together with the offset and size of the given asset within that file descriptor ...

I need to open a file (avi) in ndk. I can't figure how can I have access to this file that should be in my application files. Can please somebody give an ...

2019/1/2 -This either means that the developers using the NDK can't query the asset manager for directories; at least not on my device. Or that it only

2018/11/4 -Reading assets in C or C++ is actually very tricky in Android. You need to go via the AssetManager, and in Java-side code, you need to do ...

This page provides a walkthrough for setting up Android Studio and ensuring that Unreal Engine recognizes these components correctly, and some troubleshooting ...

asset. Assets ; configuration. Bindings for AConfiguration . ; event. A wrapper around the NDK's AInputEvent. ; input_queue ; looper. Bindings for ALooper.