
2023/10/8 -DWG ファイルを開く際に、該当するファイルに問題がある事を検出すると、今回のメッセージが表示しますが、このメッセージに記載している通りファイルを ...

2023/10/8 -どの DWG ファイルを開いても 「オープンに失敗しました。eFileAccessError」とエラーになりファイルが開けません。 以下を実施して改善するか確認し ...

When you open a .dwg file that was saved by a program that was not developed by Autodesk®, such as BricsCAD, you might get the following error message: ...

2023/3/2 -Hi! I have a DWG file - (and a PDF-file). When I try to open the DWG-file I got "QCAD error" What to do? Is it possible to save the file in ...

2007/2/19 -I am having continuing trouble this morning trying to import and AutoCAd .dwg file. I keep getting an 'open library' type of error and ...

2020/8/13 -When you open a .dwg file that was saved by a program that was not developed by Autodesk®, such as BricsCAD®, you might get the following error ...

2019/3/29 -Re: Open dwg error Visual c++ ... Hello Najib, the support for DWG format is still very basic in LibreCAD. I assume there are unsupported entities ...

2021/1/7 -Your profile says you are using SketchUp v2018, so perhaps its importer is not up to date ? I've tried it in v2018 and it immediately fails ...

2020/11/10 -Hi All,. I understand that some of you have been experiencing difficulties with opening or importing DXF/DWG files in Illustrator.

Error Opening file:TargetPoint.dwg when i open my model view Question-I recieve the error "Error Opening file:TargetPoint.dwg" when i open my model view and ...

A.>FolderPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\保存" マクロの入ってるファイルのパス&"\保存"->...