
MPlayer can play files from the network, using the HTTP, FTP, MMS or RTSP/RTP protocol. Playing works simply by passing the URL on the command line.

Mplayer use the environment variable http_proxy. You can force a proxy with the command: mplayer http_proxy://proxy:8080/http://example.com:80/stream.ogg.

2015/12/31 -The http_proxy option does not seem to be found on mpv 0.14.0 How do you pass proxy settings to mpv? [ 0.004][v][cplayer] Command line ...

MPlayer options

  1. https://mplayerhq.hu
  2. DOCS
  3. man
  4. mplayer.1.html
  1. https://mplayerhq.hu
  2. DOCS
  3. man
  4. mplayer.1.html

Set custom HTTP fields when accessing HTTP stream. EXAMPLE: mplayer -http ... Skip the proxy for IPv6 addresses. It will still ... mplayer -af export=/tmp/mplayer- ...

mplayer is a movie player for Linux (runs on many other platforms and CPU architectures, see the documentation). It plays most MPEG/VOB, AVI, ASF/WMA/WMV, .

The LumenVox Media Server can be configured to use an HTTP proxy (e.g. for fetching grammars/SSML documents over HTTP ) through use of the http_proxy ...

2015/8/25 -I tried MPlayer in my terminal, but I do not know how to enable a SOCKS proxy; there is no setting like socks_proxy=localhost:1080 · This works ...

2014/10/16 -Set custom HTTP fields when accessing HTTP stream. ... Skip any HTTP proxy for IPv6 addresses. It ... mplayer http://mplayer.hq/example.avi. Stream ...

See http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en ... EXAMPLE: mplayer -http-header-fields 'Field1 ... -ipv4-only-proxy (network only) Skip the proxy for IPv6 addresses.

2005/10/16 -Just to answer myself, I found the solution long ago... http://wael.nasreddine.com/files/configs/home/wael/bin/player a wrapper for mplayer that ...