
Here is a complete, working RPM Spec file with several things skipped and simplified. Name: hello-world Version: 1 Release: 1 Summary: Most simple RPM package ...

Why Package Software with...-Your First RPM Package

Let us begin with the first set of directives that rpmdev-newspec has grouped together at the top of the file: Name , Version , Release , Summary . The Name is ...

The Name , Version , and Release directives comprise the file name of the RPM package. RPM package maintainers and system administrators often call these three ...

2015/11/10 -I can rpm -q --provides <package name> and see the version. I can even rpm -q --qf %{VERSION} <package name> and get only the version.

Since the name is always in the format: <name>-<version>-<release>. it's only natural that the three tags are known as name, version, and release. The name Tag.

RPM provides a rich set of macros to make package maintenance simpler and consistent across packages. For example, it includes a list of default path ...

rpm.org - Spec file format

  1. https://rpm-software-management.github.io
  2. manual
  3. spec
  1. https://rpm-software-management.github.io
  2. manual
  3. spec

The Name tag contains the proper name of the package. Names must not include whitespace and may include a hyphen '-' (unlike version and release tags). Names ...

An RPM package consists of an archive of files, and package information such as name, version, a description and information about dependencies on other RPM ...

2015/7/2 -1 Answer 1 ... The question is where is the bug and who fixed it. The parts of an rpm package/file name are the name , the version , the release ...

2019/2/23 -1.1 Macros definition · 1.2 Name, Version and Release · 1.3 Summary, Name, Sources and Patches · 1.4 Patch Naming · 1.5 Build Root, Requires, etc.

A.良いお知らせではありません。 Fedora Core 1 のファイルはこちらのアーカイブに移されていました。 http://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/arc...
