
Each element in the array is accessed with the indexing operator. The indices are zero based, i.e. the range of valid indices are from 0 to length - 1.

The array type is a template object that allow the scripts to declare arrays of any type. Since it is a generic class it is not the most performatic due to the ...

Data types · void · bool · Integer numbers · Real numbers · Arrays · Objects · Object handles · Strings.

2018/4/3 -How do you ACCESS Array Elements using Angelscript? ... I am trying to create a simple inventory system for a game I am creating. The inventory ...

Angelscript is a powerful object-oriented C/C++ like scripting language. Below are some very simple examples that should give you a brief overview of its syntax ...

2020/8/16 -This is a list of features in AngelScript that are either infrequently used, can be confusing to understand, or are not as well known.

2021/2/11 -The manual shows how to create a script array from C++ and return it to the script. http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/sdk/docs/manual/ ...

2024/3/6 -Angelscript question: how best to set up an array of floats with an initial set of values. My use case is that I want to initialize an array ...

An array also have two methods. length() allow you to determine how many elements are in the array, and resize() lets you resize the array. Object handles.

2023/3/27 -Anyone know ?? Here's the angel script reference to arrays http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/sdk/docs/manual/doc_datatypes_arrays.html.