HOUNDS(ハウンズ)wiki. PC表示 · ログイン|メニュー|検索|ナビ. Blez 5-Bアシュラ. Blez 5-Bアシュラ. 基本性能. 平均攻撃力, 攻撃力, 殺傷力, 動的OP数, 備考. 製造法 ...

Hot Hounds recipe in Palia or as the recipe book titles it, Leta's Hot Hounds! Only 10 ... Ashura's lvl 5 friendship quest in Palia. Marishka•34 ...


hound is a ranged item in item asylum. It allows the user to create a barrage of projectiles.

2024/4/28 -A freshly-cooked sausage drizzled in sauce and wrapped in a toasty bread bun. Eat it while it's hot!

Wild and diseased, these large skeletal hunters look horrid. They hunt in a wild pack, and their movement can range from slow and deliberate, ...

2024/4/11 -The Autobots encountered the evil Baron Ashura, who misled them into supporting Doctor Hell and his Iron Mask Army in their campaign against ...

... アシュラ+3 Blez 5-Aアシュラ+4 MUZ-B クレイオ+4 ・・・インベントリ高級アヒル隊長二号艇「ブルーマリーン」×1(最大HP+20) アヒル隊長一号艇「レッドシー」 永久×2 ...

A pillar of Kilima, Ashura runs the Ormuu's Horn Inn. He's always available and ready to help anyone in need, and provide guidance when asked.

Nuroo-Sabine-The Story of Ashura-A Bouquet of Sunshine

・腹部下段をプラ板で新造。 ・股関節部にボールジョイントを仕込んで可動化。 ・バックパックに市販のバーニアを追加 腕部 ・肩アーマーを前後に幅増し、形状も若干変更。

2024/1/9 -NEW ICONIC ASHURA(s): fire breaching darts that reveal all enemies in the target's network and halve the time needed to gain a smart link ...