Solution: 特定の DWG ファイルを RECOVER [修復] コマンドにて開くと、エラーメッセージが表示して DWG ファイル内に問題があるオブジェクトが存在する事を確認出来ます。

2024/2/22 -原因: · ハードウェアの不具合 · 転送の問題 · ファイルが正しく変換されていない · 一部のファイルがクラウドの場所(Dropbox デスクトップ、Google ...

2014/6/4 -1. Verify that RealDWG is installed and listed in Control Panel>Programs and Features · 2. Uninstall RealDWG · 3. Go to C:\BentleyDownloads\ ...

2023/3/2 -Hi! I have a DWG file - (and a PDF-file). When I try to open the DWG-file I got "QCAD error" What to do? Is it possible to save the file in ...

When you open a .dwg file that was saved by a program that was not developed by Autodesk®, such as BricsCAD, you might get the following error message: ...

2019/3/29 -Re: Open dwg error Visual c++ ... Hello Najib, the support for DWG format is still very basic in LibreCAD. I assume there are unsupported entities ...

2021/1/7 -Your profile says you are using SketchUp v2018, so perhaps its importer is not up to date ? I've tried it in v2018 and it immediately fails ...

2020/11/10 -Hi All,. I understand that some of you have been experiencing difficulties with opening or importing DXF/DWG files in Illustrator.

2024/4/15 -When you open a .dwg file that was saved by a program that was not developed by Autodesk®, such as BricsCAD, you might get the following ...

A.>FolderPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\保存" マクロの入ってるファイルのパス&"\保存"->...
