
2019/11/6 -phpMyAdmin error 2002 occurs when a user tries to access it. It indicates that either the mysql server is down or the phpMyAdmin has a bad ...

2010/9/12 -Right-click My Computer -> Manage -> Services Choose "Services" under the "Services and Application" from right pane Then search for the "mysql" ...

... 2002): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the ...


2024/1/28 -I'm trying to set up a website with a MySQL database, but whenever I try to connect to the database from either Apache or phpMyAdmin it ...

2021/2/23 -1 Answer 1 ... If phpMyAdmin is running on the same server as the database, you'll want to update your config.inc.php file, replacing localhost ...

2020/12/4 -Open phpMyAdmin;; Enter correct login and password;; Press "Go" button. Expected behavior. I successfully login as entered user and can see ...

When you access phpmyadmin and get error mysqli::real_connect(): (hy000/2002): No such file or directory or connection refused phpmyadmin, ...

YouTube-Tuts Make

2019/8/27 -When I try to login my PHPMyAdmin, I get the following error messages: #2002 - No such file or directory — The server is not responding (or ...

2022/9/11 -MariaDB container is functional now but the issue is with phpmyadmin. The plan is to install almost all applications , i.e. nextcloud, GIT ...

2021/1/12 -I used composer to install the latest version of phpMyAdmin and ran the setup. The setup acted oddly but it seems to have worked correctly.

A.こんにちわ。 以下のサイトでNucleusのインストールの設定方法と共に XAMPP for Windowsの設定が書いてあります。参考になるかどうか わかりませんが・・・・。 http://mrs


A.まずmysql.sockの正しいパスをお調べください。 root権限で以下を実行 # find / -name "mysql.sock" そして以下のどちらかで設定を行っ...


A.http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1258645917 多分これでしょうか。 その他参考 http://dev...
