
2015/11/19 -Hi Can we flash Jetson tk1 using Windows OS? Are the flash tools available for Windows OS?

Click next and follow instructions on popup window to put device into recovery mode, then begin flashing device. Sample output when flashing OS on Jetson. Page ...

2020/9/22 -Meet the Nvidia Jetson TK1: A single-board computer that has really not aged well. Meet George Jetson. The Jetson was one of the first high ...

2015/9/24 -In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up NVIDIA Jetson TK1 to use the ZED stereo camera.

[Last update: 2015, 3rd April] This is the guide to configurate NVidia Jetson TK1 to properly run all the software needed to control MyzharBot... and other ...

What to expect when using JetPack TK1 to flash L4T 21.3, CUDA 6.5 and OpenCV onto a Jetson TK1 Development Kit. Like and Subscribe for more ...


2017/9/1 -If everyting looks good, open the VM's web browser and navigate to the Jetson Download Centre. Find the latest version of Jetpack and download ...

Jetson TK1 - seL4 Docs

  1. https://docs.sel4.systems
  2. Supported platforms
  1. https://docs.sel4.systems
  2. Supported platforms

The Jetson TK1 is a affordable embedded system developed by NVIDIA. It runs seL4. We will explain how to run seL4 on the Tegra. Pre-Requisites. One Tegra Board.

Nvidia Jetson is a series of embedded computing boards from Nvidia. The Jetson TK1, TX1 and TX2 models all carry a Tegra processor (or SoC) from Nvidia that ...


A.今の時点では誰も判りません(かなり勇み足です)。 発売されても、すぐに対応するかどうか。 メーカーへ直接、問い合わせても的確な答えは返ってこないかも。 まあ半年強、待ちましょう。


A.無理です。 技術的には可能かもしれませんが、利用者がインストール可能な形態では配布されていませんので。 (現存するものは機器組み込み用OSです)
