
Generic server class based on ext/sockets, used to develop any kind of server. » Maintainers, » More Information. Stephan ...

HTTP_Server - PHP

  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package
  3. HTTP_Server
  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package
  3. HTTP_Server

Package Information: HTTP_Server ; 0.4.1 (alpha) was released on 2010-10-05 by doconnor (Changelog). Easy Install. Not sure? Get more info. pear install ...

The Net_Socket package is used as the basis for all network communications. Connection options can be specified via the $socket_options construction parameter:.

Class for parsing and handling URL. Parsing of URLs into their constituent parts (scheme, host, path etc.), URL generation, and resolving of relative URLs.

This channel is to be used with the PEAR installer. Registering the channel: pear channel-discover phpseclib.sourceforge.net. Listing available packages ...

Pear net_server package. Anonymous; Aug 24, 2012. Replies: 0. Views: 8K. Aug 24, 2012. Anonymous. A. Alexej Kubarev. PEAR vs Modules [A story to learn from].

PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. PEAR is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository" and is pronounced just ...

2012/12/3 -Can't connect to pear.php.net ... If I ping it, I get the following: # ping pear.php.net PING euk1.php.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.

README. This package is http://pear.php.net/package/Net_FTP and has been migrated from http://svn.php.net/repository/pear/packages/Net_FTP Please report all ...

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A.すぐできるかどうかは環境依存です。レンタルサーバなどでpearコマンドの実行が出来ないようだと(pear install ではインストールできないので)ローカルPCにダウンロード・展開したものを...


A.PEAR package managerがインストールされていないのではありませんか? コマンドプロンプトで、PHPのフォルダーに移りpear listコマンドを入れて、pearコマンドが有効かどう


A.could not create lock file と出ていますね。 pearコマンドが書き込もうとしているディレクトリのパーミッションはあるのでしょうか。 pearコマンドの実行はrootで...
