
The test with the lowest probability is tested first with a Bonferroni correction involving all tests. The second test is tested with a Bonferroni correction ...

In statistics, the Holm–Bonferroni method, also called the Holm method or Bonferroni–Holm method, is used to counteract the problem of multiple comparisons.

The Holm's sequential procedure corrects for Type I error as effectively as the traditional Bonferroni method while retaining more statistical power.

What is the Holm-Bonferroni Method? ... The Holm-Bonferroni Method (also called Holm's Sequential Bonferroni Procedure) is a way to deal with familywise error ...

The sequential. Bonferroni adjusts the table-wide p-value to keep it constant at 0.05, and subsequently reduces the proba- bility of a spurious result. Although ...

2019/4/23 -For instance, when a study has been performed where three groups were mutually compared, the Bonferroni-adjusted α-level would be 0.05/3 = ...

2023/4/11 -This paper proposes two fully sequential procedures for selecting the best system with a guaranteed probability of correct selection (PCS).

This simple Excel calculator allows the user to quickly calculate Holm-Bonferroni sequential corrected p-values. Holm's "step-down" procedure is intended to ...

We propose a group sequential Holm procedure when there are multiple primary endpoints. This method addresses multiplicities arising from multiple primary ...