

2024/7/3 -This issue can be caused by an incorrect module specified on the php_value line. It can also be caused when suEXEC is configured on the server ...

2011/9/15 -Did I do anything wrong? I allow overriding, I run PHP as an Apache module. Why keeps the error.log telling me php_value not allowed here ?

Error 500 .htaccess: php_value not allowed here · 1. remove all remove php_value and php_flag from your .htaccess files (also rom subdirectories of public_html)

2015/8/18 -I have discovered that renaming or otherwise removing the .htaccess file from the parent directory causes the sub-domains to start working again.

2023/6/5 -You can use php_value in .htaccess only when PHP is running as an Apache module. When using php-fpm, you can use .user.ini as an alternative.

2015/5/25 -The problem is that because PHP is running as FastCGI, as opposed to an Apache module, and php_value isn't allowed in the .htaccess file when PHP is running as ...

2021/4/27 -If you are seeing errors in your Apache error log that say php_flag not allowed here this is due to your .htaccess file containing an invalid line.

2016/4/27 -When I am placing .htaccess in a sub-directory, with rules that suppose to override the above, they are being completely ignored, and only the above rules are ...

2022/4/7 -Hello, php runs in CGI mode, not as an Apache module, this will cause a 500 internal server error, you should modify php.ini, please backup before modifying.

2020/10/7 -full/path/to/your/.htaccess: php_value not allowed here. To solve the problem, edit your main Apache configuration file and ensure that the ...