
2021/1/15 -WebGL (all versions) refuses to work in Chrome. It works fine in Firefox, IE, Edge. All indications are that it should be working. Any WebGL ...

// Put the flags between --policy-switches--begin and --policy-switches-end on. // ChromeOS. extra_flag_sentinel_begin_flag_name = chromeos::switches:: ...

2023/10/8 -Disabled Features: webgpu Accelerated video encode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. Disabled Features: ...

2018/5/30 -You can launch Chromium, switch your flag and then go "chrome://version/", to see what has changed in the command line. In my case, when i ...

2020/1/4 -Just to be clear: I've tried searching for the issue, tried enabling WebGL under brave://flags etc. , enabled WebGL in Chrome and Vivaldi as ...

I've double checked the 'Disable WebGL' option is not selected in 'chrome://flags', so webgl is in theory enabled, but my 3d site is not working now, and http ...

I am using the --disable-gpu flag, because since Chrome 22 or Chrome 23, something has changed, I think it was related to using more of the GPU stuff and that ...

List of Chromium Command Line Switches. There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, ...

2016/6/29 -... --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end. Any time I find guides that explain the various flags that need to be set in Chrome to enable ...

The Opera browser is open without WebGL enabled. I received logs above when I start opera in command line.