
Amber Bailey is a blonde woman in a golden dress who serves as one of Tyrone King's co-hostesses, along with her twin Crystal, in the game Terror Is Reality ...

Dead Rising 2-Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

Amber Bailey and Crystal Bailey are characters from the Dead Rising series of survival horror games. They are twin sisters and the co-hostesses of Dead ...

2010/10/5 -The simplest way to beat this is grab a few shotguns from the shooting range store on the second floor of the palisades mall. Run around, when i ...

2010/12/12 -行動パターン · 近距離. 横斬り発生が早い通常攻撃。 二段斬り左右へ斬りつける攻撃。 追尾性能が付いているので避けづらい。 · 特殊行動. スライディング ...

2023/11/29 -Is it possible to take down amber and crystal ... Dead Rising Action-adventure game Survival ... 2 upvotes · 2 comments. r/Mario icon. r/Mario ...

Co-hostess of Terror is Reality and twin sister of Crystal Bailey in Dead Rising 2.

双子の美しい姉妹で、黒髪がクリスタル、金髪がアンバー。25歳。『TiR』のホステスとして常にTKの傍らにおり、主人公(チャックかフランク)を男としての魅力に欠けている ...

2015/9/27 -Steam Community: Dead Rising 2. A quick step with juice boost mag. and a battle axe makes it fast and easy!