2022/7/31 -その他,反転や回転などは Edit → Selection 以下に多数の機能があります. 2.4 レイヤーを変える. Virtuoso と異なるのが,オブジェクトのレイヤーを ...

KLayout offers an option to flip or rotate the whole window. This is a useful option for example to view mask data which a mirrored image of the chip. To access ...

For example, "Flip Vertically" flips the selection at the x-axis. A selection can be rotated by an arbitrary angle using the "Rotation By Angle" function from ...

2011/5/13 -LayoutEditorで、 ↑のような図(cell)の反転を作りたいときには、. ①セルを囲む図をLayerで作り(異なるLayerが便利かも)、選択 ...

2017/12/5 -... KLayoutを用いて表示しました。 output1.png. 基本的な書き方. gdsCADの ... 反転などの図形の変形を行うことももちろん可能です。 上のコードではふた通り ...

2022/10/4 -最近はKLayout(回路図はEESchema)を推奨しているそうです。 ... の符号反転. 逆数は振幅の逆数と位相の符号反転 ... v. 補償容量Ccを入れると反転入力から.

This is KLayout's main user manual. The manual is organised in major topics: KLayout Basics · Editing Functions · Advanced Topics · Design Rule Check (DRC) ...

Most operations such as changing of layer colors can be undone using the "Undo" function from the "Edit" menu. Analogous, the operations can be redone again ...

Here's a video where I describe how to use the excellent Klayout software for .gds and .dxf file creation while managing to set the world ...

YouTube-Doug Bopp

Transformations in KLayout · Rotation and/or mirroring: rotation by a given angle or mirroring at a given axis. · Scaling: magnification by the given factor.