
Accessory Attack Evasion (A-EV): The chance the equipped accessory will allow the unit to evade an attack. The top and bottom numbers represent physical and ...

2008/2/1 -S-Ev is Shield Evasion. It takes effect for attacks from the front or sides. A-Ev is Accessory Evasion. It takes effect for all attacks. You ...

2024/6/5 -Accessory Attack Evasion (A-EV): The chance the equipped accessory will allow the unit to evade an attack. The top and bottom numbers represent ...

2010/11/22 -Finally A-EV shows the evasion stat of your accessory, this only a factor while wearing cloaks. When equipping items these stats will change to ...

2020/12/3 -If the attacker is blinded, all them Ev values double. If the defender has Abandon equipped, double em. You can reach 100% evasion this way ...

The stat growth of the player characters in Final Fantasy Tactics is governed by their gender and jobs they use in battle. Each unit has five base stats.

2017/11/7 -So if C-EV, S-EV, and A-EV all have a 50% chance to block the attack, that block check happens three separate times. It's not a 150% chance ...

2023/12/6 -以下の6つがあります。 <装備による回避>. ・正面回避率による回避(C-EV). ・盾による回避(S-EV). ・マントによる回避(A-EV). S-EVA-EVには物理回避と.

FT-7200 is equipped with analog output and analog output for monitoring as standard. The analog output can be used to record changes in rotational speed with a ...

2022/5/30 -詳細ステータスでは、各ユニットの能力値を確認できます。 戦闘前に確認しておき、ジョブ・アビリティ・装備などの変更を検討しましょう。 本内容は ...