
2011/2/7 -So why, wen I run this, am I getting the compiler error stated in the title? the primary expression is right there! The "else" it's referring to ...

2018/12/10 -Hello, Im doing a school project basing myself in an arduino project found online. My issue is that when I run the code, several errors ...

2022/9/13 -This is my code so far and in my else if statements its sayin "Expected Primary Expression Before "Else" What do i do? //Assignment 10 program 3

2006/8/5 -im working on a program used for storing info (email, passcodes). it would keep the info safe useing "If" (code !=

2021/11/13 -So I'm trying to write this script for something and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's throwing these errors.

2021/3/22 -I'm trying to use images in LVGL. I've converted it via the online converter just as the docu says. I've tried this once before but moved on ...

2018/7/29 -You seem to have been programming in Java recently, because many of your errors have a Java 'whiff' to them. This, as you've tagged, is C++, ...

I get it on the line cout << ("and a mass of ") << mass << ("x10^") << power << (". "); but on the Android app the ^ doesn't line up so I don't know what it ...

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