2017/9/21 -通常クエストは最大7つまで同時進行可能。 直接基地の依頼者に会っても良いが、マイルーム右下の顔アイコンから受ける事も出来る。

2022/3/26 -クエスト名, 内容, 報酬. 転属届, 新兵教育官ロウェンに会う, 200GOLD 進入許可証. 陸上選手, ベルフォルガーを10体討伐, 500exp. 1000GOLD

2011/9/9 -Go to the Convention Center and obtain Sandoval's location from Taggart. Find and confront Sandoval Hengsha 2. M4 - Stowing Away Retrieve Tong's ...

The Four Hounds are a sect of followers devoted to Sombron, the Fell Dragon that was sealed away one thousand years prior. They seek to free him, and in the ...

6日前 -Once you complete Razor's Story Quest, Lupus Minor, Act 1: The Meaning of Lupical Rifthound Whelps will appear in Wolvendom, Mondstadt. When ...

CATACOMBS, NECROPOLIS AND THE ORACLE NOTE: All player that had completed the 2nd class quest profession can register at Priest of Dawn or Priestess of Dusk ...

Ghoul is one of the only two races that can be obtained through a quest. It gives various stat boosts during the night and allows the player to leech other ...

2021/7/10 -C4: Requiem MurMur ... Hounds have some unique mods exclusive to them too. They can only have 1 of each subset of mods ( 1 Offensive, 1 Defensive, ...

1) This quest starts in the Elven Village in a small house in front of the Grocery Store. · 2) Magister Greenis requires you do something for her, which is kill ...

2018/4/5 -Visit E5 ~ d1 to fight against 1 Cracked Skull, 1 Bone Archer, and 2 Zombie Mutts. ... Land on 1F, approach a new FOE mark in C4 ~ b3, and defeat ...