

The actual descriptor which is fetched by a GET_DESCRIPTOR request is determined by the high byte of the wValue word in the SETUP data. So the request we call ...

Set Descriptor/Get Descriptor is used to return the specified descriptor in wValue. A request for the configuration descriptor will return the device descriptor ...

2024/1/17 -The host obtains descriptors from an attached device by sending various standard control requests (GET_DESCRIPTOR requests) to the default ...

2024/1/17 -The configuration descriptor is obtained from the device through a standard device request (GET_DESCRIPTOR), which is sent as a control transfer ...

When the host issues a GET_DESCRIPTOR Configuration request the device needs to respond with the requested configuration descriptor plus all the interface and ...

The GET DESCRIPTOR statement gets information from an SQL descriptor.

GET DESCRIPTOR retrieves information about a query result set from an SQL descriptor area and stores it into host variables. A descriptor area is typically ...

2022/5/30 -I need to cause actual activity on the USB hardware lines (and communication to a USB device), such as requesting the device descriptor.

I am getting a host reset after the 'get configuration descriptor' request.. the request is asking for a 255 bytes data payload. i have only 1 configuration, 1 ...

2021/7/20 -Why do I get 2 interface descriptors before the endpoint descriptor after a GET_DESCRIPTOR USB request on QEMU? Ask Question. Asked 3 years ...