

2019/10/31 -CAM recommendations for Linux. Hi, I'm just about finished assembling my MPCNC. I am proficient with CAD in OnShape which is browser based. I ...

2022/8/16 -Linux or Windows application to create CAM files (gcode) from CAD ... Linux CAM Tool for converting CAD DXF-Files to G-Code. Aligns layers ...

2022/7/10 -I am considering abandoning Autodesk, cloud based buggy, inefficient, beta/vaporware. Features are constantly being ripped out and prices ...

The DeskProto CAM software now also is available for Linux, as 64 bits AppImage file. In the past many requests have been made if we could ...


MeshCAM is powerful 3D CAM software that runs under Linux using Wine. You can generate toolpaths in minutes with no experience required.

2024/2/26 -Connect webcams using USB support within Citrix Workspace app for Linux.

Install Webcam for Windows, Mac or Linux, download Iriun Webcam app to your mobile phone and start using the phone with your favourite video applications.

The GNU/Linux client is a combination of an executable app that connects to the phone, and Video4Linux and ALSA loopback drivers.

2005/10/14 -CAELinux: an open source LiveDVD Linux distribution dedicated to computer aided engineering, scientific simulation, finite element analysis ...

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CAM is the atmospheric component of NoRESM. It is possible to compile and run CAM on your own Linux PC. This makes it easier to debug simple tests using ...

A.まずは、軽めで気軽に ってことであれば 「CADってどない使うねん!」(日刊工業新聞) って本は面白かったですし 少し堅めってことなら、今もあるかどうか分かりませんが 「新CADの基礎知識」(日...


A.職業訓練校とは、現場要員を育てるための教育機関。 1、技術を学んでも設計側には回れない、っていうか電子工学の専門教育を受けてないと設計なんてできないので、製造ラインでハンダ付けとかの業務に回さ...


A.一昨年就活をした者です。12社受けましたが、書類・面接で落ちたことはありません。ちなみに、面接の練習をしたこともありません(笑) 私個人の意見になりますが、 本当にあなたがどう思っているか、と...
