

2023/5/13 -Hi All Problem with PPPoE - FTTP - OpenReach ONT -> Citylink Intermittent loss of internet, shows initially as this - 3 fails in the last 2 ...

2014/6/30 -I noticed that when my 7800DXL is idle (i.e. when there are no devices generating network traffic) there are often ppp disconnections, ...

2006/9/24 -I found a pile of folks who were having trouble with connecting to the office VPN via PPTP, seeing 'no response to 3 echo-requests' in logs but ...

2022/5/29 -I recently migrated my opnsense to a ZimaBoard. My upstream connection is done via pppoe. When filling up the available bandwidth, e.g. with a ...

Hi. I have a TP-Link TL-WDR4300 router with Barrier Braker trunk r35819 installed on it. I'm trying to configure a VPN tunnel, but after about one minute of ...

2021/1/26 -No response to 3 echo-requests <----- Missed LCP echo messages before disconnection. Serial link appears to be disconnected. ipcp: down ppp ...

2019/6/27 -I'm running a L2TP vpn on my home server with vpnd. Recently I've had constant disconnects, usually within 2-10 minutes of connecting.

iMx: Still dropped, after about 20 minutes. At a loss - connection is absolutely rock solid, when using the ISP router and opnsense in the DMZ (no PPPoE). Might ...

2018/3/25 -In the case of "Echo (ping) request" packets, if the peer packet is found, the message "(reply in xxx)" is displayed where xxx is the packet ...

We test GTPU request (echo … ... We test GTPU request (echo request) but with no response. ... #3. Hi, PCAP does not show UEContextSetupRequest ...

A.原因が端末にあるのか基地局にあるのかの切り分けが必要です。他の端末を使っても同じアックが返ってくるのならば基地局側に原因があるので当該電話会社に連絡して調査してもらうべきです。 私が管理してい...