
A device configuration that uses power from the bus and a local source reports a non-zero value in bMaxPower to indicate the amount of bus power required and ...

2024/1/17 -A configuration descriptor contains information about the configuration and its interfaces, alternate settings, and their endpoints. Each ...

The configuration descriptor specifies how the device is powered, what the maximum power consumption is, the number of interfaces it has. Therefore it is ...

Device Descriptors-Configuration Descriptors

2024/1/17 -USB configuration descriptor ... A USB configuration contains a series of interfaces. Each interface consists of one or more alternate settings, ...

USB Descriptors mapped to...-USB device descriptor

2023/11/10 -The purpose of the device descriptor is to let the host know what specification of USB the device complies with and how many possible ...

USB devices report their attributes using descriptors, which are data structures with a defined format. Each descriptor begins with a byte-wide field ...

Determine the capabilities and configuration of a device using descriptors from the USB specification.

The configuration descriptor specifies how the device is powered, what the maximum power consumption is, the number of interfaces it has. Therefore it is ...

Configuration Descriptor. This is the configuration descriptor of the mouse we are examining. The analyser is showing the significance of the 9 bytes which ...

USB descriptors - libusb

  1. https://libusb.sourceforge.io
  2. group__libusb__desc
  1. https://libusb.sourceforge.io
  2. group__libusb__desc

A collection of alternate settings for a particular USB interface. More... struct, libusb_config_descriptor. A structure representing the standard USB ...