

2019/7/9 -IsIconic(h);. Which of the two alternatives is preferable? Or are they equally good in all situations? delphi · winapi ...

2024/2/22 -Determines whether the specified window is minimized (iconic).

2020/9/21 -WindowState or IsIconic(MainForm.Handle) should work. But if MainFormOnTaskbar is False, then minimizing the MainForm will hide the MainForm ...

my goal is to activate a 2nd delphi application that's already running, and bring it up as the active window. my code works fine on a Windows Explorer

2020/7/14 -delphi IsIconic. IsIconic()作用是判断窗口是否处于最小化状态(点击了 ... delphi 函数isiconic 函数判断窗口是否最小化. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s ...

Не нуль, если минимизиpовано; 0 - если нет. Hosted by uCoz.

2007/12/27 -// message with main window handle. begin if IsIconic(Application.Handle) then begin. Application.MainForm.WindowState := wsNormal ...

... IsIconic(Wnd) then { アイコン状態なら元に戻す } SendMessage(AppWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, -1); end; { ミューテックスを閉じる } CloseHandle(hMutex); end ...

Delphi Decompiler v1.1.0.194.zip. This report is generated ... IsIconic. IsRectEmpty. IsWindow. IsWindowEnabled ... Delph 7 Studio. Ansi based on Memory/File Scan ...

2010/3/13 -{$mode delphi}{$H+} interface uses. Windows, SysUtils, jwatlhelp32 ... and (IsWindowVisible(hHWND) or IsIconic(hHWND)) then begin AHandle ...