
ActivePerl offers significant time savings over open source Perl for installing, removing, upgrading, and managing Perl modules, using PPM (Perl Package Manager) ...

2016/4/19 -I need to read .xlsx and .xlsm files from PERL scripts, but am having trouble installing an XLSX parser using ppm. Am using ActivePerl version 5.22.1.

ActivePerlやStrawberryPerlなど、利用している処理系に応じた方法を確認ください。 ActivePerlの場合. Perl Package Manager を起動し、 View all packages を選択 ...

This module is used in conjunction with Spreadsheet::ParseExcel. See the documentation for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel. Methods. The following Workbook methods are ...

It's as easy as ppm install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel. This should work if you don't know the module name: ppm install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.

2015/2/3 -I have a script that works perfectly fine with .xls file but the same file when in xlsx doesn't work with my script. I use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX.

Perl module to read Excel binary files. Contribute to jmcnamara/spreadsheet-parseexcel development by creating an account on GitHub.

2015/9/9 -xlsファイルからデータを読み込むには、CPANモジュールの Spreadsheet::ParseExcel を使います。このCPANモジュールは ActivePerl や Strawberry Perl に ...

Perl module to read Excel binary files. Contribute to jmcnamara/spreadsheet-parseexcel development by creating an account on GitHub.

2004/8/3 -Spreadsheet::ParseExcel processes Excel files in two stages. In the first stage it extracts the Excel binary stream from the OLE container ...