

Rance 4.1 stars an indebted Rance and Athena 2.0 as they try to solve the mystery of the sudden monster attacks from underground that has stopped Happiness ...

Rance 4.1 and Rance 4.2 are two parts of the same storyline, and use the same mechanics and artstyle. Part of the game involves navigating the surface, speaking ...

Gameplay-Combat-Characters and Attacks-Rance

This is a side-story in Rance series, released shortly after the fourth game, but dedicated to an entirely different quest. All kinds of troubles are happening ...

Here is the video game “Rance 4.1: O-Kusuri Kōjō o Sukue!”! Released in 1995 on FM Towns, it's still available and playable with some tinkering.

2023/2/12 -TADA releases modded version of Rance 4, 4.1, & 4.2 (freeware!) Release.

Rance 4.1 and 4.2 Made Me Go GAHAHAHAHA! After Rance IV came two side stories, Rance 4.1 and Rance 4.2. These games feature our titular ...


2018/7/5 -Those remakes came after Rance Quest, are you saying it was based on not not yet released games, since original 'are not canon' after Kichikuou?

Rance 4.1: Save the Medicine Plant! All the latest game footage and images from Rance 4.1: Save the Medicine Plant! by Alicesoft | 1995. Next Slide.

2½ Hours. All kinds of troubles are happening to a factory where a new Happiness Medicine is being developed. The mercenary Rance is hired by the manager to ...

The first installment, Rance: The Quest for Hikari, was released in 1989, while the last main-series game, Rance X: Showdown, was released in 2018. Rance. The ...

A.戦国ランスしかやったことがない者です。 おそらくそれであっていると思いますが、 自信がないので↓で色々調べられたらどうでしょうか? 無責任な回答をしてしまい、申し訳ありません。 『ひつじ小屋...

A.Ⅱに関してはリメイクされています。 「アリス2010」というソフトの中に「Rance02」として収録されているのですが、でも現在「アリス2010」は中古でしか入手不可な状態です。 ただ改めて02...

A.上からまとまりごとに言うと アリスソフトのゲーム 戦略などゲーム性が高いものが多め。 エルフの後期ゲーム。 昼ドラみたいなドロドロしたエロさがある。 アトリエかぐやのゲーム。 痴漢以外は合...