
🌎バーティ木曜日食べ物セレブレーション🌎 Yummy Bertie and Be More Bobbie on #BertieThursday (which is still happening everywhere across North and South America, Hawaii, Bora Bora and French Samoa so have a yummy samosa to celebrate that!) @bemorebob2 @bertie_lakeland # #テリア

Bertie Lakeland@bertie_lakeland

Oh my word this is all Just yummy ……. Job done Bobster another pint or would you rather a G & T? Lets just go in the park and play Bertie pal …… ok Bobster let’s ❤️ #dogfriendlyrestaurant #cheltenham #brasserieblanccheltenham #dogmenu #new

Zaden Zane@ZadenZane
