
Very insightful and funny...US gov't led by PhD morons has goals to achieve: chaos and poverty. Can't agree more since the same thing is happening in JPN 米政権の狙いは国を混沌に陥れ、貧困にする事である…とは正に。Chaos and poverty led by PhD moronsは爆笑 x.com/profstonge/sta…

Peter St Onge, Ph.D.@profstonge

Our economy is run by morons. Last week we learned that Joe Biden's chief economist literally has no idea how money works -- indeed, he has no idea how debt works. These MMT morons are implanted across the administration. Spending as much as humanly possible without the…

Speak Your Heart & Co.@SYH20220222



True, JPN tax money was completely wasted for nothing to stop the historical plunge...it can only go down along with USD?? 結果、為替介入はカンフル剤にもならず、一切予防もできない(当然ながら)。国際競争力どころか、もう誰にも相手にもされないのでは。 x.com/profstonge/sta…

Peter St Onge, Ph.D.@profstonge

Yen before BoJ blew $62 billion propping it: 157.74 Yen one month later: 157.24 At this rate it'll only cost $7 trillion to fix the yen 🫡

Speak Your Heart & Co.@SYH20220222

