
This is "lame"...New York Post is now referring to what Elon posted about Fauci? This is NOT certainly journalism and is a joke since we all knew that Fauci was lying all the way through from the very beginning. 今更ElonのPostをNYPが引用するとはダサすぎる x.com/nypost/status/… pic.twitter.com/FJzm1TMnST

New York Post@nypost

Elon Musk demands charges against Anthony Fauci after NIH comes clean on funding ‘gain of function’ research trib.al/KRk17HG

Speak Your Heart & Co.@SYH20220222



Fauci was NOT the only one lying about the "cover up", and his credibility is going down the drain since his peers and syndicate are falling apart. FauciのDefense Lineは既に崩れており、FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) の倫理に反する捏造、隠蔽は明らか。 x.com/COVIDSelect/st…

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic@COVIDSelect

🚨UPDATE: Dr. Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor will testify publicly at 3:30pm today. @COVIDSelect will hold Dr. Morens accountable for undermining U.S. government operations, deleting federal COVID-19 records, and using his personal email to avoid FOIA. @AmericaRpts

Speak Your Heart & Co.@SYH20220222

