
1) 清水の舞台から飛び降りる🪂 Let's start with the most famous. "To jump off the stage at Kiyomizu-dera" is similar to the English expression "Taking the plunge"...committing oneself despite a risk of failure. 🧵⤵️ x.com/camelliakyoto/… #Kiyomizudera #清水寺 #Kyoto #京都 pic.twitter.com/xbQ1dBNoeY

Camellia Tea Ceremony@camelliakyoto

😖🙏STAGE DIVING KYŌTO-STYLE🪂😇 'To jump off the stage at Kiyomizu' (清水の舞台から飛び降りる) is similar to the English expression 'taking the plunge'. In Edo times it was believed that if you survived the jump a long-held wish would be granted. #Kyoto #京都 #folklore #清水寺

Camellia Tea Ceremony@camelliakyoto



2) 玉の輿に乗る💎 "To ride a jeweled palanquin"... "to marry into wealth". This rags-to-riches expression was born from the tale of Otama (お玉), a greengrocer's daughter who would become mother of the 5th shōgun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi (徳川綱吉). 🧵⤵️ x.com/camelliakyoto/… pic.twitter.com/t04GvBgxdC

Camellia Tea Ceremony@camelliakyoto

🍅A CINDERELLA STORY💘 Keishō-in (桂昌院) was the 2nd daughter of a Nishijin greengrocer by the name of Nizaemon. Against all odds she would rise to become a concubine of Tokugawa Iemitsu, later giving birth to the 5th shōgun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi (徳川綱吉 1646-1709).

Camellia Tea Ceremony@camelliakyoto
