
1. The Clone Wars 2. Revenge of the Sith 3. The Rise of Skywalker 4. Young Jedi Adventures 5. The High Republic 6. Rise of the Red Blade 7. Out of the Shadows 8. A Test of Courage 9. The Rise of Kylo Ren 10. From A Certain Point of View でした。

ダルさん-The Fallen 𝐅-@MasterDarthLuke

SW作品略称クイズ 1. TCW 2. RotS 3. TRoS 4. YJA 5. THR 6. RotRB 7. OotS 8. AToC 9. TRoKR 10. FACPOV

ダルさん-The Fallen 𝐅-@MasterDarthLuke
