


Is your birthday worthy of a Nobel Prize? Louise Brown’s was. Learn why: nobelprize.org/prizes/medicin… #NobelPrize #IVF pic.twitter.com/kHKc0RjwEC

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“I have four brothers and I’ve jumped into all sorts of things during my life. Learning new things has always been fun for me.” 2018 chemistry laureate @francesarnold received the #NobelPrize for her work using evolution to make better enzymes. Today she celebrates her birthday! pic.twitter.com/zDOTptXGwC

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Einstein, Curie, Bohr, Planck, Heisenberg, Schrödinger… how many Nobel Prize laureates can you spot? Some of the world’s most notable physicists participated in the 1927 Solvay Conference. In fact, 17 of the 29 scientists attending were or became #NobelPrize laureates. pic.twitter.com/fWbHSDwdtx

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I am always looking for words of love. Hate will not save us. Only love." - Svetlana Alexievich was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature "for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time." #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/LtIy6UqsWJ

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Ales Bialiatski is currently imprisoned in one of the harshest prisons in Belarus. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/Fe7NJSzIaY

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


What qualities do you need to be a successful scientist? 2018 medicine laureate Tasuku Honjo shares what he believes are the "three c's": curiosity, courage and challenge. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/7w8zXM6iAI

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Did you have an inspirational teacher? Physics laureate Anne L’Huillier was inspired by two “great teachers” and Nobel Prize laureates who ignited her passion for atomic physics. Learn more: nobelprize.org/prizes/physics… #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/8jceeDvZfy

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"Follow your enthusiasm!" Listen in on some career advice from chemistry laureate Benjamin List where he encourages us all to think outside the box. #CareerAdvice #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/SL6faD3MYr

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“I’m fascinated by my work … I didn’t go into my career just to collect prizes or accolades or even money.” - economic sciences laureate Edmund Phelps. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/nV5CePLpAU

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“I will never stop striving for the realisation of democracy, freedom and equality.” - peace laureate Narges Mohammadi who has been sentenced to imprisonment in Iran for fighting for women’s rights. #NobelPrize #peace pic.twitter.com/eOg8Xfwi9m

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Have you heard about Einstein’s pet parrot? The physics laureate thought Bibo was depressed and told it bad jokes to cheer it up! #PrettyPolynomial #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/E9g5nxIUVo

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Enter the dreamworld of magical realism with Nobel Prize-awarded authors. Immerse yourself in enchanting stories by García Márquez, Yan and more: bit.ly/3WmixKo #MagicalRealism #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/0L2TGIRiuU

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Nobel Prize laureates Owen Chamberlain and Emilio Segrè confirmed the existence of the proton's antiparticle, the antiproton. For this they were awarded the 1959 physics prize. Learn more: bit.ly/2UMwotb #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/7W4Ry0f43L

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


A personal message from 2022 chemistry laureate Carolyn Bertozzi to all young researchers on why to aspire for a career in science: ”I would want to share with them how a life in science is incredibly rewarding. It is rewarding because it is creating." #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/qEE8JvanTG

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Becoming Marie Skłodowska Curie. Born as Marya Skłodowska in 1867 in Warsaw, the girl in the left image would grow up to discover polonium and radium, champion the use of radiation in medicine and fundamentally change our understanding of radioactivity. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/qOdYzjHXzb

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


In July 1898, Marie Skłodowska Curie and Pierre Curie published work where they mentioned the term radioactivity for the first time. During that year, the two Nobel Prize laureates discovered two new elements: polonium and radium. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/MnjUwYoBWp

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


In her novels, 2022 literature laureate Annie Ernaux uses simple, direct language to pick apart memories and society. Ernaux focuses on her experiences as a woman and gives dignity to the experiences of working-class women. Read more: bit.ly/3KKX6xa #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/TLiRb7tgwG

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I want you to remember when you win your Nobel Prize that you learned that here." 2019 medicine laureate Gregg Semenza remembers his biology teacher Dr Rose Nelson who inspired him and foresaw him receiving the Nobel Prize. Tell us about your remarkable teachers. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/QEc6Dr1Fuh

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"There's a lot of failure, but out of failure sometimes there's gold nuggets, right?" - chemistry laureate Moungi Bawendi in our newest podcast episode. Listen here: linktr.ee/nobelprizeconv… #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/K9ebzlzRuj

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


今日のイラストポートレートはこの人 遺言に残した5つの賞 そして今年は誰が受賞するのだろう ただいま化学者特集中 illuststation196.com/syusukegallery… #NobelPrize #ノーベル #化学者 #19世紀 #イラスト #ポートレート #Art #いらすとすてーしょん illuststation196.com/archives/20081 pic.twitter.com/Knp2eJTzus



"I was described as a dreamer. (...) I didn't care. What I cared about was convincing people to allow me to go on with my work." Ada Yonath took on a challenge that others considered hopeless – mapping the ribosome's structure – and persevered until she succeeded. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/b6iNgn0qhl

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“The seriousness of learning was tempered with fun, so it was a wonderful place to be and opened up a whole new way of understanding the world as a child.” #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/rGDZXiA42y

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“‘A man who knows everything.’ This, reportedly, was my reply to a school teacher asking me what I’d like to become when I grow up.” Physics laureate @gthooft, awarded the #NobelPrize “for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics.” pic.twitter.com/PDAS45fPvH

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Today we remember one of the world's greatest scientists: Marie Skłodowska Curie, who died #OTD in 1934. Curie was the first person to be awarded the #NobelPrize twice and is still the only person to receive the prize in two different scientific fields. pic.twitter.com/L0S2Ez0Zf1

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I have always held that writers don’t really have biographies, and that the best way to find out about them is to read their books." - Literature laureate Olga Tokarczuk. Read more: bit.ly/3cQzHcB #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/ZuLeLOasFb

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Wise words from poet and essayist Wisława Szymborska. In 1996, she was awarded the #NobelPrize in Literature "for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality." pic.twitter.com/a7UG83Hedw

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Guess the laureate! Write your guess in the comment section. Some clues: He designed the X-ray spectrometer, a vital tool used by scientists to study crystal structures. For that he was awarded the #NobelPrize with his son in 1915. He had a lifelong interest in gardening. pic.twitter.com/CsoyVsrJ2U

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Maria Goeppert Mayer changed the field of nuclear physics by explaining the structure of atomic nuclei. She developed a model in which nucleons were distributed in shells with different energy levels – the nuclear shell model. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/yEw2jhrOAb

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


How do you stay creative? Medicine laureate Elizabeth Blackburn tells us how she copes and recommends that we all try out a "Swedish fika". Watch the full conversation here: bit.ly/3osp5UZ #CareerAdvice #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/vJY5PZYEzQ

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I remember the first time I saw a Nobel Prize winner at a distance of 20 metres as a student..." - Klaus von Klitzing on becoming a #NobelPrize laureate. Klitzing discovered the quantum Hall effect and was awarded the 1985 physics prize. Read more: nobelprize.org/prizes/physics… pic.twitter.com/NnW8V16VTs

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Edwin Krebs and Edmond Fischer showed how proteins in the muscle cell make the energy supply accessible for muscular work and how the breakdown of glycogen to glucose is controlled in the skeletal muscles. Read more: bit.ly/2QBeJ95 #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/0sw2Ethp5l

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


The American author Pearl Buck grew up in China and spoke both Chinese and English. She was awarded the #NobelPrize in Literature 1938 "for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces." pic.twitter.com/YQv2GRlpki

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


A number of researchers had tried to isolate fluorine its the free state, but it was very difficult to isolate the substance. By developing an ingenious apparatus, French chemist Henri Moissan succeeded on 26 June 1886. He was awarded the #NobelPrize in 1906. pic.twitter.com/DYR4ZSWCc2

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


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    • 70歳
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