


"One should be surrounded by people who can help. We are all sitting in the same boat." Chemistry laureate Emmanuelle Charpentier speaks about the valuable qualities - and colleagues - a scientist needs. What do you think is important to be a successful scientist? #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/tYO4TILkcp

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I was excited about achieving a career in physics. My family, being more practical, thought the most desirable position for me would be as an elementary school teacher." From medicine laureate Rosalyn Yalow's #NobelPrize biography: bit.ly/3MYNbCD pic.twitter.com/pboKeuTbPU

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“I think science can contribute a lot to a peaceful world,” says physics laureate Ferenc Krausz. Watch him speak about the importance of collaboration and diversity: bit.ly/3xEAp9n #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/YJZUNhOVQ0

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"We have to take care of her so that our children and grandchildren may continue to benefit from her. If the world does not learn now to show respect to nature, what kind of future will the new generations have?" - Rigoberta Menchú Tum in her #NobelPrize lecture. pic.twitter.com/5qlu3J6JhN

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“My first chemistry exam at Harvard was a disaster,” says chemistry laureate Moungi Bawendi. Luckily, this experience did not stop him from following his passion. Learn more: youtu.be/nDPOUfx2zz4 #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/2ORerZAsOH

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


What is the meaning of life? Hear 2021 chemistry laureate Benjamin List answer the question we all are trying to find an answer to. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/aJahbZjEQH

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


#OTD in 1897, British physicist J. J. Thomson presented his research on cathode rays culminating in the discovery of the electron. The announcement took place during an evening lecture at the Royal Institution in London. In 1906, he was awarded the #NobelPrize in Physics. pic.twitter.com/ZtzgzOfQme

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


American scientist Harold Urey discovered heavy hydrogen in 1931 and named it deuterium from Greek deuteros which means "second", to denote the two particles composing the nucleus. He was awarded the 1934 #NobelPrize in Chemistry. pic.twitter.com/VEspcEr2EJ

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“It is always better if you have a diverse group with people coming from different countries and different genders. This really helps to have a more dynamic group,” says physics laureate Anne L’Huillier. Hear more from her #NobelPrize lecture: nobelprize.org/prizes/physics… pic.twitter.com/xZcXYrCwkV

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"Perhaps you know the phrase, a 'duh moment.'" - physics laureate Jim Peebles Check out this video of 2019 physics laureates Jim Peebles, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz telling us why they chose to pursue science. Why did you decide to do science? #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/gGnORYunqY

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


#OTD in 1914 the Franck-Hertz electron collisions experiment showing internal quantum levels of atoms was first presented and supported Niels Bohr's theory on the structure of the atom. Photos: James Franck, a vacuum tube used in the experiment, and Gustav Hertz. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/hymyyWYPFW

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Which laureate read before they started kindergarten? Click to find out: nobelprize.org/prizes/medicin… #WorldBookDay #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/4FqYmoLAkJ

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Were you a late reader? You’re in good company. Some laureates took their time to appreciate the joy of reading, including Richard Axel and Gerardus 't Hooft. #WorldBookDay #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/hJfyVvcHxY

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence." - Rabindranath Tagore, awarded the 1913 #NobelPrize in Literature. #WorldBookDay pic.twitter.com/XeDmIQeMVo

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Did you know Jan and Nikolaas Tinbergen are the only siblings to both be awarded a #NobelPrize? Four years after Jan received the 1969 prize in economic sciences, his brother Nico was awarded the medicine prize for work on animal behaviour. Read more: bit.ly/3jh3gWF pic.twitter.com/MDNZxqexSd

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Can you name the only Nobel Prize laureate to be awarded the prize three times? Click to find out the answer: bit.ly/3vkTKGl #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/F79bWUcyR6

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


LIVE配 SAKKA FES Vol.01 supported by 渋谷SAUNAS 生放送 生放送 生放送 生中継 生放送 テレビ生放送 🔴🅻🅸🆅🅴ᴴᴰ 📅04/19 📺生放送🇯🇵🔗bit.ly/4dhATmn #SAKKAFES #でんぱ組.inc #虹コン #TEAMSHACHI #根本凪 #LB_LIVE #根本凪 #バンもん #スプスラッシュ #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/3dBQ3SLi2m

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LIVE配 SAKKA FES Vol.01 supported by 渋谷SAUNAS 生放送 生放送 生放送 生中継 生放送 テレビ生放送 🔴🅻🅸🆅🅴ᴴᴰ 📅04/19 📺生放送🇯🇵🔗bit.ly/4dhATmn #SAKKAFES #でんぱ組.inc #虹コン #TEAMSHACHI #根本凪 #LB_LIVE #根本凪 #バンもん #スプスラッシュ #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/tVzTank9Mg

ONLINE LIVE 24@Forum8291699


Literature laureate Doris Lessing has never been one to underestimate the power of books. Read her full #NobelPrize lecture: bit.ly/2UquTkB pic.twitter.com/0c2Gdc13ef

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Albert Einstein was awarded the #NobelPrize in Physics 1921 "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect." He passed away on 18 April 1955, 69 years ago today. Read Einstein's biography: bit.ly/49Y3cng pic.twitter.com/H2ChopW2pC

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


It was thought that stress was the cause of gastric ulcers. But Barry Marshall suspected they were caused by a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. When Marshall's theory was met with resistance he decided to experiment on himself, ultimately proving his theory correct. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/NToXXUeCHR

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Remembering literature laureate and poet Tomas Tranströmer. The year he turned 80 years old, he was awarded the 2011 #NobelPrize in Literature "because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality". pic.twitter.com/1mntOuHah7

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Science will inevitably help shape our future, but how should society get the best from science? And how does science benefit society? Join us tomorrow when #NobelPrize laureates and experts will be discussing these questions. Sign up here: nobelprize.org/future-science pic.twitter.com/f1q8k6kNP2

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


#OTD 14 April 1932 Cockcroft and Walton split the lithium atom with a proton beam. They were awarded the 1951 #NobelPrize in Physics for their pioneering work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles. More info: bit.ly/2JnnNKo pic.twitter.com/OmBVhUduay

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


At least 12 million babies have been born thanks to IVF, but how did we reach this miraculous milestone? In the 1950s #NobelPrize laureate Robert Edwards realised that fertilisation outside the body could be used to treat infertility. Read more: bit.ly/3PAodg4 pic.twitter.com/TqYxHZ9kPF

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


This 3D structure of a polio vaccine was enabled by a #NobelPrize-awarded discovery. Cryo-electron microscopy allows us to see intricate details in biological structures. Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson were awarded the 2017 chemistry prize for their work. pic.twitter.com/ynPEv8hshJ

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"We compete against problems, not against people." John B. Goodenough is the oldest person ever to receive a #NobelPrize. He was 97. Watch our interview with him. We talked to the extraordinary chemistry laureate about life, science and love: bit.ly/3P9EGHQ pic.twitter.com/d4ZSl546Mx

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I have always held that writers don’t really have biographies, and that the best way to find out about them is to read their books." - Literature laureate Olga Tokarczuk. Read more: bit.ly/3cQzHcB #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/iYbffyFtYI

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"Her story is so well known to the people of South America that, passed on from country to country, it has become almost a legend." Do you know the story of Chilean poet and #NobelPrize laureate Gabriela Mistral? Read it here: bit.ly/3fdYV5S pic.twitter.com/hQVpsVimi1

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


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