


Today we remember one of the world's greatest scientists: Marie Skłodowska Curie, who died #OTD in 1934. Curie was the first person to be awarded the #NobelPrize twice and is still the only person to receive the prize in two different scientific fields. pic.twitter.com/L0S2Ez0Zf1

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I have always held that writers don’t really have biographies, and that the best way to find out about them is to read their books." - Literature laureate Olga Tokarczuk. Read more: bit.ly/3cQzHcB #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/ZuLeLOasFb

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Wise words from poet and essayist Wisława Szymborska. In 1996, she was awarded the #NobelPrize in Literature "for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality." pic.twitter.com/a7UG83Hedw

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Guess the laureate! Write your guess in the comment section. Some clues: He designed the X-ray spectrometer, a vital tool used by scientists to study crystal structures. For that he was awarded the #NobelPrize with his son in 1915. He had a lifelong interest in gardening. pic.twitter.com/CsoyVsrJ2U

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Maria Goeppert Mayer changed the field of nuclear physics by explaining the structure of atomic nuclei. She developed a model in which nucleons were distributed in shells with different energy levels – the nuclear shell model. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/yEw2jhrOAb

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


How do you stay creative? Medicine laureate Elizabeth Blackburn tells us how she copes and recommends that we all try out a "Swedish fika". Watch the full conversation here: bit.ly/3osp5UZ #CareerAdvice #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/vJY5PZYEzQ

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"I remember the first time I saw a Nobel Prize winner at a distance of 20 metres as a student..." - Klaus von Klitzing on becoming a #NobelPrize laureate. Klitzing discovered the quantum Hall effect and was awarded the 1985 physics prize. Read more: nobelprize.org/prizes/physics… pic.twitter.com/NnW8V16VTs

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Edwin Krebs and Edmond Fischer showed how proteins in the muscle cell make the energy supply accessible for muscular work and how the breakdown of glycogen to glucose is controlled in the skeletal muscles. Read more: bit.ly/2QBeJ95 #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/0sw2Ethp5l

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


The American author Pearl Buck grew up in China and spoke both Chinese and English. She was awarded the #NobelPrize in Literature 1938 "for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces." pic.twitter.com/YQv2GRlpki

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


A number of researchers had tried to isolate fluorine its the free state, but it was very difficult to isolate the substance. By developing an ingenious apparatus, French chemist Henri Moissan succeeded on 26 June 1886. He was awarded the #NobelPrize in 1906. pic.twitter.com/DYR4ZSWCc2

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"Opposition is not the same as undermining." Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2010 "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." Read his #NobelPrize lecture: bit.ly/3fZU0FB pic.twitter.com/kjXYTtsa1o

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"This is why it's very important that basic science can continue, because I think the great discoveries in science almost always come from unexpected areas." - physicist Anne L'Huillier in our newest #NobelPrize Conversations podcast Listen here: linktr.ee/nobelprizeconv… pic.twitter.com/IGP1uMlvlG

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


What makes a successful scientist? 2020 medicine laureate Charles Rice shares his thoughts on what success means for a scientist. Watch the full session at: youtu.be/ujQTD3wzzJs #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/SVcRrS26vo

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


”Do whatever turns you on. Whatever you are interested in and get excited about, that is what you should do.” Some words of wisdom to all young researchers and students from physicist Michael Kosterlitz. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/eYAz3sXwdj

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“We never had a toaster that worked … because I was always taking everything apart to try and understand how things work.” - 2023 medicine laureate Drew Weissman. Learn more about his work: nobelprize.org/prizes/medicin… #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/didod3ue1W

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“I learned a lot from working with him.” Did you know that chemist and #NobelPrize laureate @CarolynBertozzi used to play in the same college rock band as musician Tom Morello? Listen to our podcast to learn more: nobelprize.org/prizes/chemist… pic.twitter.com/HWEfDLey00

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Jean-Paul Sartre, born #OnThisDay in 1905, was the first person to voluntarily decline the #NobelPrize. In 1964, Sartre was awarded the literature prize, but he did not wish to accept the prize as he had always declined official honours. Learn more: bit.ly/2ZP590B pic.twitter.com/ucPY4DjpZ9

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


After Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, Ernest Chain (pictured) alongside Howard Florey, was instrumental in the isolation of the antibiotic. This led to a pharmaceutical that could be produced in large quantities. All three received the 1945 #NobelPrize. pic.twitter.com/oFGoqm9boU

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


#NobelPrize laureate Karl Landsteiner made a discovery that continues to save countless lives every day. He discovered and classified ABO human blood groups, which made safe blood transfusions possible. #WorldBloodDonorDay pic.twitter.com/xsUxVuYQ3O

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Watch the very moment Ahmed Zewail received his Nobel Prize on 10 December 1999. Zewail was awarded the chemistry prize "for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy." #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/zPzm6Bj4mf

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“In 1980, I was sentenced to death by the military regime. For six months in prison, I awaited the execution day.” In his #NobelPrize lecture, Kim Dae-jung shared the story of how he bravely struggled against authoritarian regimes in South Korea: nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2… pic.twitter.com/W66iQ4MRQN

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


“A voyage to Europe in the summer of 1921 gave me the first opportunity of observing the wonderful blue opalescence of the Mediterranean Sea.” In his #NobelPrize lecture, renowned physicist C.V. Raman gave an insight into how his research into light scattering began. pic.twitter.com/qq2Lm2EGHG

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


Nobel Prize laureate Abdus Salam at the opening of @ictpnews building on 9 June 1968. Salam donated all his #NobelPrize money to benefit physicists in developing countries – one of the missions of the International Center for Theoretical Physics, which he founded. pic.twitter.com/ZD1LSFCRQ0

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


"The world is not a certain place. Anything could happen." Peter Ratcliffe on the role of planning - or not - in the life and career of a scientist. #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/VbsFmWe3xf

The Nobel Prize@NobelPrize


今年ノーベル物理学賞を受賞したロジャー・ペンローズは物理学者ですが,量子力学観点からの『皇帝の新しい心』という知能論の本(分厚い)があり,AI分野の人は知ってるかも 量子脳理論を提唱して,脳の働きの説明を試みています(眉唾) 量子脳理論はSAOにも登場して,一般にも馴染みがありそう #NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/gTtgdd6SUE

今井翔太 / Shota Imai@えるエル@ImAI_Eruel


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