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SOL強〜い📈📈🔥 SOLはまあまあ保有してるよー(◍︎˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍︎) 楽しーわー٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و #SOL #Solana #ソラナ #BTC #ソラナモバイル #SolanaMobile pic.x.com/qE2zAFeMoZ
うん。一通り読んだんだけどさ、佐賀は凄いって事でおk? んで、開発は進んでるのかな?大丈夫そ? #Solanamobile #Seeker x.com/solanamobile/s…
Saga's Seed Vault is revolutionary. Embedded in the phone, Seed Vault keeps your seed phrase away from prying eyes — or other applications. Let's deep dive. 🧵 1/7 pic.x.com/tmmbrYNvkP
久しぶりのエアドロ😁 フォーム入力が必要です #Solanamobile x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
うおー久しぶりの #solanamobile 案件 x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
冷静に考えるとSolana Mobileって詐欺だよなー。 400ドル払って買ったスマホはいつ届くか全く情報もなく、最初の1ヶ月ちょこちょこミームのエアドロで濁されて終わりみたいな。 そうこうしてるうちに新しい製品出すって、、カッコいい写真だけ用意して実際は何も作ってなさそう。 #solanamobile
#RuneMine #Solanamobile フォーム入力でエアドロ x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
@minelabs_ がソラナモバイルホルダー限定のNFT先行販売を実施予定。150USDCで購入でき将来的に$ MINEのエアドロがあるみたいです! マジックエデン↓ presale.magiceden.io/x/RMxSEEK #solanamobile pic.x.com/r0COz2bFjR
どうなりますかね~😆 #Solana #solanamobile x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
まさかのエアドロ! saga買った方はお忘れなく! 来年かー、、。 早く届いて欲しい! #solanamobile x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
久しぶりに #SolanaMobile 😶🌫️ x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
#Solanamobile エアドロで 先着一万人が対象です。 SagaもしくはSeeker(旧名Chapter2)のpreorderトークン保有者の方はGoogleフォームとSNSタスクで申し込み可能です。 x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
You won't believe this! Last week, me and my crypto bros hit the jackpot on @myshell_ai AippStore.💰 GameCard's Uptober magic was no joke! 🃏 Wanna test your luck with LUCKY STAR? 🌟 Let's bag some Points & BNB! 💼 app.myshell.ai/aipp-store?v=1… #AIppStore #MyShell
ソラナモバイルのエアドロ✨ フォーム入力必要です( *´꒳`* ) #solana #solanamobile x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl
ソラナモバイル、エアドロ‼️ クレームしないといけないよん! #solana #solanamobile x.com/minelabs_/stat…
🪂 Attention Solana Mobile Community! 🪂 As valued friends of RuneMine, we're excited to announce a FREE claim of our upcoming token MINE to all Saga + Seeker Holders. Up to 1% of our total supply will be available for the first 10K users! Claim: forms.gle/W5h4G9DDv68Tj1… pic.x.com/kTwpYaS0Jl