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    2024/5/24 -To the self-indulgent. Indulge yourself with me. To the self-indulgent. Fuck breathing, let's die alone. Clutch the thick circumference of this bone

    2023/11/20 -Every child deserves a peaceful and secure childhood and the chance to go to school. This is still being denied to around 160 million children around the ...

    2024/5/7 -Girls in Africa have every right to freely play, explore, learn and grow in safety. Girls in Africa have every right to be children.

    毎月連続デジタルリリース-第3弾- 「Be children」/クラウソラス作詞作曲歌唱:クラウソラス編曲:有木 竜郎guitar:Kyuta Sekiguchi 2024年5月18日(土)Digital ...

    YouTube-Claíomh Solais〜クラウソラス〜

    2024/3/22 -To the self-indulgent. Indulge yourself with me. To the self-indulgent. Fuck breathing, let's die alone. Clutch the thick circumference of this bone

    2023/9/25 -A growing number of women in the US are deciding not to have children — part of a trend that has been underway for more than a decade.

    A.the necessary training です。 子供たちは、母語を教えられるべきだ、そして それに必要な訓練には時間がかかる。

    2024/6/18 -A child ( pl. children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty.

    Children in the military-Save the Children-Trafficking of children-Children's rights

    2023/10/30 -Build purpose. Celebrating your life for how you can help others can be really powerful. Farrah Storr, the author of the Things Worth Knowing newsletter, says ...

    2023/8/19 -Some people even feel moral outrage toward those who choose to be child free, according to a 2017 study. The pope called us selfish and Elon Musk went as far as ...

    2024/1/26 -"To Be A Kid" is simple text book showing how kids are the same and different. The photographs accompanying the text are rich in visual context. My three and ...