


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/7/11 -The plan is a collaborative approach between the federal government and tribes on how to steward Bears Ears, which can include tribal ancestral history and ...

    2024/7/11 -Located in southeastern Utah and just north of the Navajo Nation, the Bears Ears National Monument was declared in 2016 by then-President Barack Obama. It ...

    2024/7/17 -Bears Ears National Monument (BENM) is a region of extraordinary natural diversity and cultural significance – one that has gained international attention ...


    2024/8/9 -Bears Ears is the sacred land of several Indigenous communities · It may be home to one of the only rock art depictions of prehistoric mammals on the continent.

    2024/8/19 -Bears Ears Partnership leads on the ground site conservation, education, stewardship and research programs to protect and build respect for the greater ...

    Education Center-Staff and Board-Employment Opportunities-Events

    2024/7/2 -The BLM Monticello Field Office and USDA Manti-La Sal National Forest will host a field tour of the Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee.

    A.how は疑問詞でありつつ、名詞節を作る役割も果たしています。 つまり、 how it is used「それがどう使われるか」をAという名詞、 how you vote「どのように投票するか」を...

    A.個人的意見ですが…… tiger = 世論;とか、「世間の評判」のようなもの たとえ、世論がお前を襲い、食い殺そうと襲い掛かっても、 もの書く魂あるものは、言うだろう。 命を失っても私は本望...

    A.サーミ族、またはラプランド人は北スカンジナビアからやって来る。 過去に彼らはトナカイの後をついていった。今ではサーミ族は様々な都市に居住をおいているが、年に一度トナカイ寄せ集め行事(?)に参加...

    2024/6/12 -The AAC weighs in on the draft climbing management for the Bears Ears National Monument, including offering feedback on elements of the climbing management ...

    2024/7/14 -Native American tribes are joining the federal government in looking over public comments on the future of Utah's Bears Ears National Monument.

    2024/6/11 -Bears Ears National Monument is more than a collection of artifacts. It's a living landscape of people and cultures woven into its canyons, mesas, and cliffs.

    2024/7/10 -The plan to build a 460-foot telecommunications tower on a parcel of land owned by a Utah state agency, the Trust Lands Administration.