

The Work is simply four questions that, when applied to a specific problem, enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light.

The questions are: 1. Is what you're thinking true? 2. Can you be absolutely sure it's true? 3. How does it make you feel? 4. What would you feel like if you ...

The Work is simply four questions that, when applied to a specific problem, enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light.

1. Is it true? · 2. Can you absolutely know that it's true? · 3. How do you react when you think that thought? · 4. Who would you be without the thought?

2022/11/19 -#1: Is This an Absolute Truth That I Cannot Disprove? · #2: How Do I Feel and Behave When I Think This Thought? · #3: How Does This Thought ...

It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you're suffering in paradise. Byron Katie, Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.

That is what Loving What Is offers. It is no less than a revolutionary way to live your life. The question is: Are we brave enough to accept it?”.

In this groundbreaking book, Katie helps you question everything you have been taught to do to gain love, approval, and appreciation.

Questions That Will Change Your Life: This is a life changing book that I'm reviewing today. The book is called "Loving What Is" by Byron ...

YouTube-James Swanwick

The Work is simply four questions that, when applied to a specific problem, enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light.